There can be no doubt about it that “Vlekje” was one of the most prominent pigeons of the Van Geel strain and a pearl in international pigeon sport. “Vlekje” was a dream and the prototype of the modern Jan Aarden pigeon. It was a very versatile bird with all the good characteristics of the Jan Aarden strain. As a racing bird and a stock bird it was a phenomenal and invaluable pigeon.
This was evident from his winning the car in 1984 and 2nd national Dax. Later, as a stock bird, he became famous as the father and grandfather of many superior pigeons which excelled in the marathons of the skies.
A few references
In 1988 Martha van Geel won the 1st Bergerac of the heavy South West District Union Long Distance Race out of 2.488 selected racing pigeons from West Brabant. The victorious “Bergerac Hen” was a direct daughter of “Vlekje”. In 1977 as well, the Kuypers Brothers from Neer won a car in National Dax. Their winner was bred out of a halfsister of “Vlekje”. On his father’s side “Vlekje” himself was inbred after the “Dolle”, which won the car in National St. Vincent. On his mother’s side “Vlekje” was a grandchild of the very “Dolle”. Winning cars thus seems to be a characteristic of “Vlekje” ‘s pedigree. More over, “Vlekje” very much looked like the “Dolle”. Primarily concerning colour, but also as far as character is concerned. Self-willed, energetic and dominant on the loft like the “Dolle” used to be. Those characteristics together with excellent performances as a racing pigeon and stock bird made “Vlekje” of the Van Geel strain into the most wanted long-distance pigeon in the world. Large sums of money were offered for “Vlekje” many a time, but this bird was not for sale.
In the total auction of all the pigeons at the Van Geel loft in 1989, “Vlekje” was sold for a huge amount of money to Masarella in the United Kingdom. The father of “Vlekje” was NL79/1445731, named “Vader Vlekje”, father of the world famous “Vlekje”, the car winner of Dax 1984. He was bred out of the “Blauwe Witpen” x the “Barcelona Hen”. The “Blauwe Witpen” was a pure inbred “Dolle” product and the “Barcelona Duivin” descended from the line of the legendary “Spin” of the late Jef van Wanroy. “Vader Vlekje” not only became father of the car winner of Martha van Geel but also grandfather of the car winner of the Kuypers Brothers from Neer. A very valuable stock bird !
The mother of “Vlekje” was NL80/8009225, named “Dochter Dolle 25”. She fled from the loft in 1984 never to return. She was the daughter of the legendary “Dolle” himself and, unfortunately, never got the chance to prove how excellent she was. Producing a car winner, however, is ample proof of her class : no more is needed. The mother of the “Dochter Dolle 25” in 1986 won the 68th National St. Vincent out of more than 10.000 pigeons.